Note: This list may not be complete. No component, listed or unlisted, may be used outside of
the technology in which it is released. The usage decision for a component is found in the Decision
and Decision Constraints.
The Accordion user interface (UI) component contains several panels displayed one under another. |
The ActionSheet user interface (UI) component is a sheet containing a set of buttons located one under the other. These buttons usually represent several choices relating to a single task. |
Autocomplete is a text box that displays suggestions while a user types. |
Gauge bars display values on a bar gauge. Each bar is located on a separate circular track and indicates one value. |
The Box user interface (UI) component allows you to arrange various elements within it. This UI component is separate and adaptive and acts as the layout`s building block. |
A bullet bar is a horizontal bar that indicates a bullet chart`s primary value. |
The Button user interface (UI) component can show the user how to add a Button to a page, apply styling, and configure its core features. |
The ButtonGroup is a set of toggle buttons that can be used as a mode switcher. |
The Calendar component allows users to select a date within a specified date range. |
The Chart is an interactive user interface (UI) component that visualizes data from a local or remote storage using a great variety of series types.
The CheckBox is a small box, which when selected by the end user, shows that a particular feature has been enabled or a specific property has been chosen. |
Circular Gauge
Circular Gauge user interface (UI) component can scale ticks, has subvalue indicators, and more features. |
The ColorBox is a user interface (UI) component that allows an end user to enter a color or pick it out from the drop-down editor. |
The ContextMenu user interface (UI) component displays a single- or multi-level context menu. An end user invokes this menu by a right click or a long press |
The DataGrid component displays data from a local or remote store and allows users to sort, group, filter, and perform other operations on columns and records. |
DateBox is a user interface (UI) component that allows users to set a certain date, time, or date/time combination. |
The Diagram user interface (UI) component provides a visual interface to help you design new and modify existing diagrams. |
The Drawer is a dismissible or permanently visible panel that you can use for navigation in responsive web application layouts. |
The DropDownBox is a user interface (UI) component that consists of a text field, which displays the current value, and a drop-down field, which can contain any UI element. |
The DropDownButton combines the functionality of a button and a drop-down menu. The user can replace the menu with a custom drop-down control. |
The FilterBuilder user interface (UI) component allows a user to build complex filter expressions with an unlimited number of filter conditions using the UI. |
The FileManager user interface (UI) component allows users to manage files and directories. |
The FileUploader user interface (UI) component enables an end user to upload files to the server. An end user can select files in the file explorer or drag and drop files on the page`s FileUploader area. |
The FilterBuilder user interface (UI) component allows a user to build complex filter expressions with an unlimited number of filter conditions using the UI. |
Floating Action Button
The Floating Action Button (FAB) is the primary action button on a screen that is displayed in front of all screen content. The FAB can execute an action or open a stack of two to five related actions (speed dial |
The Form component creates a data entry user interface (UI) for the underlying data object. The interface consists of automatically-arranged label-editor pairs that correspond to data fields. The user can change data values, validate user input, and send the resulting data to the server. |
The Funnel is a user interface (UI) component that visualizes a value at different stages in the form of a funnel. It helps assess value changes throughout these stages and identify potential issues. |
The Gallery is a user interface (UI) component that displays a collection of images in a carousel. The UI component is supplied with various navigation controls that allow a user to switch between images. |
The Gantt user interface (UI) component displays the task flow and dependencies between tasks. |
The HtmlEditor is a client-side what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editor that allows its users to format textual and visual content and output it as hypertext markup lanugage (HTML) or Markdown. |
A value indicator is a pointer that designates the main value on the LinearGauge. There is a set of predefined value indicator types for this user interface (UI) component. |
The List displays data from a local or remote data storage and allows users to group, select, search, reorder, and delete items. |
The LoadIndicator is a user interface (UI) element notifying the viewer that a process is in progress. |
The LoadPanel is an overlay user interface (UI) component notifying the viewer that loading is in progress. |
Lookup is a component that allows users to search and select an item in the drop-down list. |
The Map is an interactive user interface (UI) component that displays a geographic map with markers and routes. |
This component lets the user add the Menu component to the application and configure the component's core features. |
The MultiView is a user interface (UI) component that contains several views. An end user navigates through the views by swiping them in the horizontal direction. The UI component is often used along with the Tabs UI component. |
The NumberBox is a user interface (UI) component that displays a numeric value and allows a user to modify it by typing in a value, and incrementing or decrementing it using the keyboard or mouse. |
The PieChart user interface (UI) component visualizes data as a circle divided into portions (slices) to illustrate data proportions. |
The PivotGrid component allows you to display and analyze multi-dimensional data from a local storage or an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube. |
Topics in this section describe PolarChart user interface (UI) component elements. Each topic gives an overview of the element`s purpose, and details how to enable and tune the chart element to your needs. |
The Popover is a user interface (UI) component that shows notifications within a box with an arrow pointing to a specified UI element. |
The Popup displays content in a window that overlays the current view. |
The ProgressBar is a user interface (UI) component that shows current progress. |
The RadioGroup is a user interface (UI) component that contains a set of radio buttons and allows an end user to make a single selection from the set. |
The range selector's scale indicates values that lie within scale boundaries. |
The RangeSlider is a user interface (UI) component that allows an end user to choose a range of numeric values. Basically, the RangeSlider is the Slider UI component with a second handle added. |
The ResponsiveBox user interface (UI) component allows you to create an application or a website with a layout adapted to different screen sizes. |
The Sankey is a user interface (UI) component that visualizes the flow magnitude between value sets. The values are connected. A wider connection denotes a higher flow magnitude. |
The Scheduler component emulates the user interface of Calendar applications on Windows or Mac OS. |
The ScrollView is a user interface (UI) component that enables a user to scroll its content. |
SelectBox is an editor that allows users to select a value from a drop-down list or add a new value. |
The Slider is a user interface (UI) component that allows an end user to set a numeric value on a continuous range of possible values. |
The Sparkline user interface (UI) component is a compact chart that contains only one series. |
The Switch is a user interface (UI) component that can be in two states: `On` (when value is true) and `Off` (when value is false). |
The TabPanel user interface (UI) component consists of the Tabs and MultiView components. The TabPanel automatically synchronizes the selected tab with the currently displayed view and vice versa |
The TagBox is an editor that allows users to select multiple items from a drop-down list. |
The TextArea is a user interface (UI) component that enables users to enter and edit multi-line text. |
TextBox is a component that allows users to enter and edit a single line of text. |
The TileView user interface (UI) component contains a collection of tiles. Tiles can store much more information than ordinary buttons, that is why they are very popular in apps designed for touch devices. |
Toast is a user interface (UI) component that displays pop-up notifications. |
Can add the Toolbar component to your application and configure its core features. |
The Tooltip user interface (UI) component displays a tooltip for a specified element on the page. |
The TreeList component uses a multi-column tree view to display data from a local or remote storage and allows users to sort, group, filter, and perform other data operations. |
The TreeView component displays a tree of text nodes from a local or remote source. |
The VectorMap is a user interface (UI) component that visualizes geographical locations. |