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VA Technical Reference Model v 25.2

VA TRM v13.10 New/Updated <abbr>TRM</abbr> Entries
VA TRM v13.10 New/Updated TRM Entries

The Technology/Standard List identifies technologies and technical standards that have been assessed. Each project team must consult the organizations responsible for the target development, desktop, testing and/or production environments to ensure that the intended use of the technologies is supported. (More info on proper use)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Vendor Deciding Body Decision Date New / Update
1 7 kHz Audio-Coding within 64 kbit/s is a Standard or Specification ITU TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
2 ABBYY FineReader is a Technology ABBYY TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 Update
3 ABCpdf.NET is a Technology webSupergoo TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
4 ActionScript is a Standard or Specification Adobe TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
5 Ad-Aware is a Technology Adaware TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
6 Adobe After Effects is a Technology Adobe TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
7 Adobe Flash Video (FLV) is a Standard or Specification Adobe TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
8 Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a Technology Harman TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
9 Adobe Media Encoder is a Technology Adobe TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
10 Adobe Small Web Format (SWF) is a Standard or Specification Adobe TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
11 AJAX is a Technology N/A TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
12 All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR DRG) is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
13 Another Neat Tool (ANT) is a Technology Apache Software Foundation (ASF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
14 Antelope is a Technology TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
15 Apache MyFaces Core is a Technology Apache Software Foundation (ASF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
16 Apache XMLBeans is a Technology Apache Software Foundation (ASF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
17 Bing Maps Application Program Interface (API) is a Technology Microsoft TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
18 Blaise is a Technology Statistics Netherlands TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 New
19 Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) is a Technology Eclipse TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
20 C# Programming Language is a Standard or Specification ECMA TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
21 C++ Programming Language is a Standard or Specification ISO TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
22 Cancer Care Plan Builder is a Technology Journey Forward TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
23 CheckStyle is a Technology CheckStyle TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
24 Citrix XenApp is a Technology Citrix TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
25 Collaborate Plan is a Technology Blackboard, Inc. TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 New
26 Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Format is a Standard or Specification Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
27 ComponentSoftware Diff (CSDiff) is a Technology CS-RCS GmbH TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
28 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Connectivity Framework (DCF) is a Technology Laurel Bridge Software TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
29 Dragon Medical Network Edition (DMNE) is a Technology Nuance TRM Mgmt Group 10/24/2013 Update
30 eGain Chat is a Technology eGain TRM Mgmt Group 10/27/2013 New
31 eGain Cobrowse is a Technology eGain TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
32 eGain Knowledge+AI is a Technology eGain TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
33 Ehcache is a Technology Terracotta TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
34 EncorePro 2 is a Technology Philips TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 New
35 Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping (EAPG) is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
36 Express Scribe is a Technology NCH Software TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 New
37 Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
38 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Metadata Interchange (XMI) is a Standard or Specification OMG TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
39 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Namespaces (NS) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
40 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Path Language (XPath) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
41 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Query (XQuery) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
42 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
43 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Unit for Java is a Technology XMLUnit TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
44 Extensible Markup Language (XML)Spy is a Technology Altova TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
45 Extensible Markup Language Information Set (XML Infoset) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
46 Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 Update
47 Google Toolbar (Archived) is a Technology Google TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
48 GoToWebinar is a Technology GoTo TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 Update
49 IBM Operational Decision Management (ODM) is a Technology IBM TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 New
50 iCal4j is a Technology iCal4j TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
51 iCalendar is a Standard or Specification Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
52 ImageGear Software Development Kit (SDK) is a Technology Accusoft TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
53 iMedConsent is a Technology Taylor Healthcare TRM Mgmt Group 10/24/2013 Update
54 iText Core is a Technology iText Group NV, iText Software Corp., iText Software BVBA TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 Update
55 JasperReports Library is a Technology TIBCO TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
56 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - International Business Machines (IBM) is a Technology International Business Machines (IBM) TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
57 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Hewlett-Packard UNIX (HP-UX) is a Technology HP TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
58 Jetty is a Technology Eclipse TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
59 jHAVEN is a Technology CMS TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
60 Joda Time is a Technology TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
61 MAGic Screen Magnification Software is a Technology Freedom Scientific TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
62 Maryland Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping System (EAPGS) is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
63 Maryland Payment with 3M APR DRGS Grouping and Reimbursement is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
64 Medicare End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Reimbursement is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
65 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Department (HOPD) Reimbursement is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
66 Medicare Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Diagnosis Related Groups (IPF-DRG) Grouping and Reimbursement is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
67 Medicare Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTCH) Reimbursement is a Technology 3M TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
68 Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) is a Technology CMS TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
69 Messaging Workbench (MWB) is a Technology HL7 TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
70 Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Server Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Driver is a Technology Microsoft TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
71 MongoDB Enterprise Advanced is a Technology MongoDB Inc. TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
72 nQuery is a Technology Statsols TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 New
73 Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB) (Archived) is a Standard or Specification Microsoft TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
74 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a Standard or Specification ISO TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
75 Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) is a Standard or Specification Khronos Group TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
76 OpenDJ is a Technology ForgeRock TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 New
77 Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Drivers is a Technology Oracle TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
78 Oracle Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Driver is a Technology Oracle TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
79 Oracle Service Registry is a Technology Oracle TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
80 Oracle Tuxedo is a Technology Oracle TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 Update
81 PaperPort is a Technology Kofax Inc. TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 Update
82 Perl Programming Language is a Standard or Specification Perl Foundation TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
83 Portable Document Format (PDF) is a Standard or Specification ISO TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
84 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a Standard or Specification ISO TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
85 Puppet Enterprise is a Technology Puppet Labs TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
86 Quartz Job Scheduler is a Technology Terracotta TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
87 Rapid Application Development (RAD) Studio is a Technology Embarcadero Technologies TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
88 Rational AppScan is a Technology IBM TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
89 Rational Policy Tester is a Technology IBM TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
90 Redis is a Technology Redis TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 New
91 Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) is a Standard or Specification Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
92 Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
93 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
94 Secure Hash Standard (SHS) is a Standard or Specification National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
95 Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) Certificate Handling is a Standard or Specification Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
96 Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) is a Standard or Specification HealthData TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
97 Sequencher is a Technology Gene Codes Corporation TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
98 Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) is a Standard or Specification OASIS TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
99 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
100 SpeechExec Pro is a Technology Philips TRM Mgmt Group 10/24/2013 New
101 Spring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a Technology VMware Tanzu Labs TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
102 Spring Security is a Technology VMware Tanzu Labs TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
103 Spring Web Services (Spring-WS) is a Technology VMware Tanzu Labs TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
104 SQLite is a Technology associated with a locked category SQLite TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
105 SQLite Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Technology Taro L. Saito TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
106 Strawberry Perl is a Technology StrawberryPerl TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
107 Structured Query Language (SQL) is a Standard or Specification ISO TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 Update
108 Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a Standard or Specification OMG TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
109 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) is a Standard or Specification Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
110 Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) is a Standard or Specification OASIS TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
111 Veterans Health Information Model (VHIM) is a Standard or Specification N/A TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
112 VMware Guest Console (VGC) (Archived) is a Technology VMware TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 New
113 VMware Horizon is a Technology VMware TRM Mgmt Group 10/29/2013 New
114 VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface (vCLI) is a Technology VMware TRM Mgmt Group 10/22/2013 New
115 VoiceOver Enterprise is a Technology Voicebrook TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 New
116 Web Services (WS)-Reliable Messaging is a Standard or Specification OASIS TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
117 Web Services (WS)-Security is a Standard or Specification OASIS TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
118 Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile (BP) is a Standard or Specification OASIS TRM Mgmt Group 10/23/2013 Update
119 Window-Eyes is a Technology Ai Squared TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
120 Windows Packet Capture (WinPcap) is a Technology Riverbed TRM Mgmt Group 10/31/2013 Update
121 Windows Photo Gallery is a Technology Microsoft TRM Mgmt Group 10/31/2013 Update
122 XLink is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
123 XPointer Framework is a Standard or Specification W3C TRM Mgmt Group 10/30/2013 Update
124 ZoomText is a Technology Freedom Scientific TRM Mgmt Group 10/25/2013 Update
Total = 124
is a Technology Indicates a technology
is a Standard Indicates a standard or specification
is a List of Standards or Technologies Indicates a list of standards or technologies
Archived Indicates an archived entry
entry is associated with a locked category Indicates the entry is associated with a locked category