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VA Technical Reference Model v 25.2

VA TRM v12.9 New/Updated <abbr>TRM</abbr> Entries
VA TRM v12.9 New/Updated TRM Entries

The Technology/Standard List identifies technologies and technical standards that have been assessed. Each project team must consult the organizations responsible for the target development, desktop, testing and/or production environments to ensure that the intended use of the technologies is supported. (More info on proper use)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Vendor Deciding Body Decision Date New / Update
1 Accredited Standards Committee X12 Health Care Claim: Payment/Advice Number 835 is a Standard or Specification ASCX12 TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
2 ASC X12N Health Care Claim (837) is a Standard or Specification ASCX12 TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
3 ASC X12N Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response (270/271) is a Standard or Specification ASCX12 TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
4 Centricity Perioperative is a Technology GE Healthcare TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
5 GroundWork Monitor is a Technology Groundwork Open Source TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
6 Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) is a Standard or Specification HL7 TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
7 Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Code Set Clinical Vaccines (CVX): Vaccines Administered is a Standard or Specification HL7 TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
8 Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Code Set MVX: Manufacturers of Vaccines is a Standard or Specification HL7 TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
9 International Business Machines (IBM) Business Process Manager (BPM) is a Technology International Business Machines (IBM) TRM Mgmt Group 09/05/2012 New
10 Medflow Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a Technology Eye Care Leaders TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 Update
11 National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) Uniform Bill Patient Discharge Status Codes is a Standard or Specification National Uniform Billing Committee TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
12 Object Management Group (OMG) Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a Standard or Specification OMG TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
13 QlikView is a Technology QlikTech TRM Mgmt Group 09/09/2012 New
14 Secure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPS) (Archived) is a Technology N/A TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
15 Ubuntu Desktop is a Technology Ubuntu TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
16 Ubuntu Server is a Technology Ubuntu TRM Mgmt Group 09/06/2012 New
Total = 16
is a Technology Indicates a technology
is a Standard Indicates a standard or specification
is a List of Standards or Technologies Indicates a list of standards or technologies
Archived Indicates an archived entry
entry is associated with a locked category Indicates the entry is associated with a locked category