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VA Technical Reference Model v 25.2

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Decision Date
Juice UI (User Interface) is a Technology AppendTo Analysis Completed 01/06/2019 at 21:38:02 UTC
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) is a Technology United States Department of Defense Analysis Completed 07/29/2019 at 07:24:29 UTC
Unisphere for VPLEX is a Technology EMC Analysis Completed 08/13/2019 at 12:32:10 UTC
ShopAtHome is a Technology Prodege Analysis Completed 08/23/2019 at 14:08:21 UTC
Apache Tiles is a Technology Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Analysis Completed 10/09/2019 at 08:00:16 UTC
CKEditor is a Technology CKSource Analysis Completed 04/23/2020 at 16:11:10 UTC
Interwoven VisualFormat is a Technology HP Analysis Completed 09/01/2020 at 10:32:34 UTC
Angular Tree Component is a Technology 500 Tech LTD Analysis Completed 08/26/2022 at 00:36:46 UTC
Citrix Web Interface is a Technology Citrix Analysis Completed 09/29/2022 at 16:40:24 UTC
Touch Information Presentation Software (TIPS) for Windows is a Technology DynaTouch Analysis Completed 11/26/2022 at 00:53:35 UTC
MediaWiki Extension: TreeAndMenu is a Technology Wikimedia Foundation Analysis Completed 02/02/2023 at 18:46:50 UTC
Command Center is a Technology Citrix Analysis Completed 03/13/2023 at 16:47:50 UTC
Attainia Browser is a Technology Attainia, Inc Analysis Completed 03/22/2023 at 16:47:08 UTC
EnterpriseLink is a Technology Micro Focus Analysis Completed 03/27/2023 at 02:34:38 UTC
Telerik User Interface (UI) for Active Server Pages (ASP) .NET Asynchronous JavaScript and Extensible Markup Language (AJAX) is a Technology Telerik Analysis Completed 03/31/2023 at 19:03:15 UTC
Symetrix Composer is a Technology Symetrix Inc Analysis Completed 04/03/2023 at 19:25:35 UTC
AdBlock is a Technology GetAdBlock Analysis Completed 04/13/2023 at 18:10:02 UTC
GroboUtils is a Technology Matt Albrecht Analysis Completed 05/08/2023 at 17:39:34 UTC
Telerik User Interface (UI) for Active Server Page (ASP).NET Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a Technology Telerik Analysis Completed 05/09/2023 at 03:56:02 UTC
Adobe Dreamweaver is a Technology Adobe Analysis Completed 10/24/2023 at 01:34:27 UTC
Spring Rich Client is a Technology SpringSource Analysis Completed 11/29/2023 at 19:30:02 UTC
Telerik User Interface (UI) for Blazor is a Technology Progress Analysis Completed 01/11/2024 at 03:03:47 UTC
Vecna VA Patient Self Service Solution is a Technology Vecna Technologies, Inc Analysis Completed 01/11/2024 at 17:00:48 UTC
Logitech Gaming (G) HUB is a Technology Logitech Analysis Completed 05/14/2024 at 21:22:57 UTC
OpenFox Desktop is a Technology Computer Projects of Illinois, Inc. Analysis Completed 06/21/2024 at 02:48:48 UTC
Apache Freemarker is a Technology Apache Analysis Completed 08/29/2024 at 15:55:01 UTC
jPDFEditor is a Technology Qoppa Software Analysis Completed 09/25/2024 at 01:50:20 UTC
Feith Dashboard iQ Designer is a Technology Feith Systems and Software, Inc. Analysis Completed 09/26/2024 at 17:51:24 UTC
Feith Forms iQ Designer is a Technology Feith Systems and Software, Inc. Analysis Completed 09/26/2024 at 17:51:26 UTC
Feith WebFDD (Web Feith Document Database) is a Technology Feith Systems and Software, Inc. Analysis Completed 09/26/2024 at 17:51:29 UTC
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is a Technology Microsoft Analysis Completed 10/28/2024 at 13:47:30 UTC
Microsoft .NET is a Technology Microsoft Analysis Completed 11/19/2024 at 12:23:24 UTC
Watchfire Ignite is a Technology Watchfire Analysis Completed 11/29/2024 at 20:47:49 UTC
Accessible Color Picker is a Technology Level Access Analysis Completed 12/27/2024 at 23:58:36 UTC
gPLINK is a Technology Harvard Medical School Analysis Completed 01/08/2025 at 18:20:28 UTC
Unisphere for PowerMax is a Technology Dell EMC Analysis Completed 01/28/2025 at 03:00:54 UTC
Total = 36
is a Technology Indicates a technology
is a Standard Indicates a standard or specification
is a List of Standards or Technologies Indicates a list of standards or technologies
entry is associated with a locked category Indicates the entry is associated with a locked category